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Matteo 14:1


Matteo 14:1 NR94 - Immagine Versetto del Giorno

In quel tempo Erode il tetrarca udí la fama di Gesú,

Matteo 14:1 NR94
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Book One Year with My Faithful and True Friend: Jesus!

One Year with My Faithful and True Friend: Jesus!

It's an easy-to-read Christian book that offers a daily reading of a Bible verse, accompanied by a brief reflection and a prayer that will inspire you to connect with God.

Ricevi il Versetto del Giorno

Versioni in altre lingue

Versioni Spagnolo

En aquel tiempo Herodes el tetrarca se enteró de lo que decían de Jesús,
Mateo 14:1 NVI | |

Versioni Inglese

At that time Herod the tetrarch heard the reports about Jesus,
Matthew 14:1 NIV | |

Versioni Portoghese

Por aquele tempo Herodes, o tetrarca, ouviu os relatos a respeito de Jesus
Mateus 14:1 NVI | |
Matteo 14:1 NR94 - In quel tempo Erode il tetrarca udí la fama di Gesú, - Bibbia in Linea