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1 Samuel 28:12


1 Samuel 28:12 NIV - Image Verse of the Day

When the woman saw Samuel, she cried out at the top of her voice and said to Saul, "Why have you deceived me? You are Saul!"

1 Samuel 28:12 NIV
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Versions in other languages

More Versions in Inglish

When the woman saw Samuel, she cried out at the top of her voice and said to Saul, "Why have you deceived me? You are Saul!"
1 Samuel 28:12 NIV | |

Versions in Spanish

Al ver a Samuel, la mujer pegó un grito. ¡Pero si usted es Saúl! ¿Por qué me ha engañado? le reclamó.
1 Samuel 28:12 NVI | |

Versions in Portuguese

Quando a mulher viu Samuel, gritou e disse a Saul: "Por que me enganaste? Tu mesmo és Saul! "
1 Samuel 28:12 NVI | |

Versions in Italian

E quando la donna vide Samuele urlò e disse a Saul: «Perché mi hai ingannata? Tu sei Saul!»
1 Samuele 28:12 NR94 | |
1 Samuel 28:12 NIV - Online Bible -