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Deuteronomy 9:18


Deuteronomy 9:18 NIV - Image Verse of the Day

Then once again I fell prostrate before the LORD for forty days and forty nights; I ate no bread and drank no water, because of all the sin you had committed, doing what was evil in the LORD's sight and so provoking him to anger.

Deuteronomy 9:18 NIV
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Versions in other languages

More Versions in Inglish

Then once again I fell prostrate before the LORD for forty days and forty nights; I ate no bread and drank no water, because of all the sin you had committed, doing what was evil in the LORD's sight and so provoking him to anger.
Deuteronomy 9:18 NIV | |

Versions in Spanish

Nuevamente me postré delante del Señor cuarenta días y cuarenta noches, y no comí pan ni bebí agua. Lo hice por el gran pecado que ustedes habían cometido al hacer lo malo a los ojos del Señor, provocando así su ira.
Deuteronomio 9:18 NVI | |

Versions in Portuguese

Depois prostrei-me perante o Senhor outros quarenta dias e quarenta noites; não comi pão, nem bebi água, por causa do grande pecado que vocês tinham cometido, fazendo o que o Senhor reprova, provocando a ira dele.
Deuteronômio 9:18 NVI | |

Versions in Italian

Poi mi prostrai davanti al Signore, come avevo fatto la prima volta, per quaranta giorni e per quaranta notti; non mangiai pane e non bevvi acqua, a causa del gran peccato che avevate commesso facendo ciò che è male agli occhi del Signore, per irritarlo.
Deuteronomio 9:18 NR94 | |
Deuteronomy 9:18 NIV - Online Bible -