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Exodus 7:15


Exodus 7:15 NIV - Image Verse of the Day

Go to Pharaoh in the morning as he goes out to the water. Wait on the bank of the Nile to meet him, and take in your hand the staff that was changed into a snake.

Exodus 7:15 NIV
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Versions in other languages

More Versions in Inglish

Go to Pharaoh in the morning as he goes out to the water. Wait on the bank of the Nile to meet him, and take in your hand the staff that was changed into a snake.
Exodus 7:15 NIV | |

Versions in Spanish

Anda a verlo por la mañana, cuando salga a bañarse. Espéralo a orillas del río Nilo, y sal luego a su encuentro. No dejes de llevar la vara que se convirtió en serpiente.
Éxodo 7:15 NVI | |

Versions in Portuguese

Vá ao faraó de manhã, quando ele estiver indo às águas. Espere-o na margem do rio para encontrá-lo e leve também a vara que se transformou em serpente.
Êxodo 7:15 NVI | |

Versions in Italian

egli rifiuta di lasciare andare il popolo. Va' dal faraone domani mattina; ecco, egli uscirà per andare verso l'acqua; tu, aspettalo sulla riva del Fiume, prendi in mano il bastone che è stato mutato in serpente
Esodo 7:15 NR94 | |
Exodus 7:15 NIV - Online Bible -