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Psalm 16:6


Psalm 16:6 NIV - Image Verse of the Day

The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.

Psalm 16:6 NIV
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Versions in other languages

More Versions in Inglish

The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.
Psalm 16:6 NIV | |

Versions in Spanish

Bellos lugares me han tocado en suerte; ¡preciosa herencia me ha correspondido!
Salmos 16:6 NVI | |

Versions in Portuguese

As divisas caíram para mim em lugares agradáveis: Tenho uma bela herança!
Salmos 16:6 NVI | |

Versions in Italian

La sorte mi ha assegnato luoghi deliziosi; una bella eredità mi è toccata!
Salmi 16:6 NR94 | |
Psalm 16:6 NIV - Online Bible -